Think of the last time someone provided feedback on something you did. What was your initial reaction? Was it something like, “Well, that’s just Ana; she WOULD say that. She doesn’t know…”
Or, did you ever get feedback from your partner or a friend? What was your initial knee-jerk response?
If you’re like me, your immediate reaction is to discount — mentally reducing the possibility that the person’s feedback or suggestion could be valid or useful. And discounting is perhaps the greatest enemy of learning, growth, innovation, empowerment, relationships, and — I would argue — happiness.
Discounting happens all the time. When you and a friend discuss whether a particular political tactic will have any positive impact, you tend to discount the other’s opposing views without consideration or hesitation. When your spouse, for instance, tells you that you left pickle juice on the counter...again, you discount their statement as nagging. (Speaking from recent personal experience on that one.)
I suggest that there’s little we can do to change that initial reaction. However, I DO believe that it’s the split second after that initial reaction that makes all the difference. We need to FIRST recognize that initial reaction for what it is — some reptilian auto-response perhaps — and THEN pause and reexamine the other person’s statement with a more measured reflection. Everything changes. You move the conversation from the teal bubble to the purple bubble:
By catching yourself discounting, you can pause and say to yourself:
You gain a LOT by catching yourself discounting, pausing, and reconsidering:
The next time someone offers an opinion or suggestion different than your own, recognize that initial reptilian brain response of discounting for what it is; then pause and reconsider the opinion in a more objective, measured response. You’ll be a better leader. More importantly, you’ll be a better human.